Dreams and Diplomacy in the Holy Land: American Consuls in Jerusalem in the 19th Century

The exhibition explores the beginning of the complex and diverse relationship between America and the Holy Land, as it tells the story of American consuls in Jerusalem from the mid-19th century to World War I; the city of holiness, political intrigue and the magic of the East, which were not always understood to those who came, filled with good will and faith, from the land of unlimited opportunities.

The exhibition attempts to allow the visitor to connect to the culture of the time. Therefore the design was inspired by common American themes: wood panels used as a tribute to the first settlers who arrived to the port of Jaffa and established the American Colony; lace embroidery, possibility existing possibility disappearing, are embedded within the display and metal bindings. These elements convey the first consuls' stories in a harmonious, functional and experiential way.
The exhibition incorporates fascinating and unfamiliar historical episodes, documents and manuscripts, which are revealed here for the first time, drawn from the collections of the Shapell Manuscript Foundation and the National Library.
More information on the exhibition can be found at the National Library of Israel website.
 The National Library of Israel, Jerusalem // Curators: Dina Grossman and Dr. Nirit Shalev Khalifa // March 2013
 Photography: Jeremy Feldman
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