Light and Shadows-The Story of Iran and the Jews

This exhibition is the first to present a comprehensive, in-depth portrait of Iranian Jewry and introduce visitors to the fascinating world of an ancient community, as well as its cultural, social, economic and political life.
Design Mill was assigned two spaces: the first was dedicated to historic documentation while the second to the 20th century. The main theme was to present a context thematically rather than chronologically. Thus, we focused on the multi-layered experience of the community.  The exhibition includes archeological artifacts, many of which are presented to the public for the first time. They reveal fascinating details pertaining to the ancient life of the Iranian Jewish community. Also featured are a wide range of stunning cultural artifacts, including ancient manuscripts, talismans, carpets and both secular and religious music. Additionally, graphics inspired by the ornaments was stretched across the walls and added to the color scheme conveyed in the space.  This threshold leads the visitor into their world, while encountering material- musical instruments, clothes worn by Iranian Jewish brides and official documentation that testifies to assimilation in the local population.

Beit Hatfutsot // curator:  Hagai Segev // vice curator: Orit Engelberg  Baram // August, 2011
Photography: Deddy Lifshitz
Design Mill - Work Processes
The studio’s professional team consists of industrial designers, architects, visual communication designers, media specialists, engineers and production teams that work together to provide a comprehensive response for every project, in every scale, while maintaining high standards and high quality execution. This is where you can see up-close what happens inside the Mill.

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